Approaches to Theatre Design eLearning Module

Click the image to link to the course in a new window.

Audience: Undergraduate students in Theatre Design courses

Instructional Problem: New designers benefit from a framework for using visual research to develop a conceptual idea

This module was developed using the Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model and Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction and was developed over a 15 week period. The module was tested with learners from the target population with good results. Planned updates include breaking the module into two smaller modules, revise the assessments in Storyline 360 to improve function and scoring, create clearer alignment between the instruction and assessments.

The module incorporated video, images, gifs, a branching scenario quiz as instructional elements. Assessments included a pretest, self-checks, reflective writing, a post-test, and an attitude survey.

Technology used:

Articulate Rise 360

Articulate Storyline 360 for the Quizzes




Loom Screen Capture software

MS Forms

Moodle LMS for uploading SCORM




Equity Minded Teaching