
Drafting Infographic

Audience: Beginning to intermediate drafters

Course: Technology and Design

Instructional Problem: Provide a visual comparison of three different types of drafting that visualizes three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional drawings. Class project.

This infographic compares the attributes of orthographic projection, isometric projection, and one point perspective drawing. Instructional information is provided verbally, visually through diagrams, and in the background of each section. The infographic guides the ways that drafters choose which method to use to achieve the goal of the drawing.

The infographic uses asymmetrical balance and diagonal lines to keep the viewer’s eye engaged in the content.

Technology used:




Nursing Infographic

Audience: Politicians and healthcare administrators

Instructional Problem: This document was commissioned by a state agency to visualize data associated with medically fragile children so that it is easy to understand the impacts on families.

This two page document was challenging to design. The data that I worked from filled two pages of text. I looked for ways to show equivalencies in the data and to represent ideas visually instead of verbally. I used my brand color scheme for both infographics on this page, but I work in other colors, too!

Outcome: The infographic was well-received by the state agency and used in their advocacy efforts. I was brought back to update the data for 2024.

Design Competencies:

Use visual design principles appropriately.

Technology and Media Competencies:

Develop instructional materials using a variety of media (e.g., print, audio-visual, multimedia).

Communications Competencies:

Communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual formats.

Produce visuals that adhere to the principles of message design.

Competency Connections:

These infographics demonstrate strong visual communication of data and knowledge through graphic design. In particular, the first page of the nursing graphic communicates important concepts about the lives of families that are hard to fully understand in the two page narrative that I worked from. While there is a large amount of data in both products, it is visually structured to help the viewer navigate the page. The images of the drafters and the boy and girl personalize and humanize the data. Throughout my portfolio, I have communicated through graphics, writing, video, audio, and interaction.


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