nth degree id is Natalie Taylor Hart

About Me

A lot of scientific principles are involved in watercolor painting. Many variables affect the way the paint will look on the page: the temperature of the water, the amount of water, the size of the pigment particles, and the texture and absorbency of the paper. It’s fascinating! Since the colors are transparent, you work from light areas of the painting to dark areas to build hue and value by layering the paint. Even if you know the science, there are always little surprises and delights as the colors mingle.

When I’m not designing, I like to paint with watercolors.

Watercolor paint being applied to paper
watercolor picture of a koi fish

My journey toward instructional design is a little like watercolor.

The first layer of my career was teaching English in a high school. I loved teaching writing and literary analysis, but I wanted to write stories with visual ideas. I went to graduate school for scenic design for theatre. Designing scenery for theatre involves connecting audiences to stories through immersive visual experiences and meaningful contexts. I move people’s minds and hearts through carefully coordinated and sequenced images. I have to collaborate with partners extremely effectively and deliver excellent documentation to get my artistic ideas built. As a scenic designer, I deliver computer drafting using geometry and math! I do a lot of project management in theatre design, too. I track and coordinate calendars, budgets, documentation, decisions, and communication. After grad school, I moved to New York and worked in large theatres and Broadway studios designing, building, and managing projects that involved big names and big investments.

Instructional Design

All of these skills served me well when I moved to a college classroom. I knew that I loved teaching, but I discovered an affinity for creating curricula and for leading departments and committees. I like empowering my colleagues to do their best work whether that is through a well-designed spreadsheet, shared resources, or a conversation. I lead with calmness and lots of listening. Groups that I led passed ambitious strategic initiatives in addition to managing their usual work. And I love to create fun and surprise in learning spaces through games, fun visual design, and a play-based approach to learning.

Growing into the instructional design space has felt like building on these previous layers. I am comfortable in both the creative and analytical spheres. I love creating order from disarray and making systems work smoothly. I value human-centered solutions and solutions that broaden access. I am looking for opportunities to support a larger set of learners or teachers through innovative, high-quality instructional products.

I am particularly interested in delivering instruction through collaborative learning, game-based learning, and VR/AR/XR technologies.

I think learning should be accessible, visual, immersive, situated, learner-centered, collaborative, and fun.

How can I support your mission?

I am based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the City of Arts and Innovation.

image of downtown Winston-Salem, North Carolina