Equity Minded Teaching Resources

These products are related to a variety of projects on Equity Minded Teaching. The five minute videos at the bottom were made as short explanations of aspects of this area as class assignments. The 8.5 minute video to the right is a recording of a panel presentation that I gave on Culturally Responsive Teaching at the 2024 United States Institute for Theatre Technology conference. The in-person content is missing from the video but there are video/audio segments included. I used visuals and animations to keep the audience’s attention and interest. The presentation was given to a room of about a hundred people and presented again virtually. I am in conversations about extending this work for next year’s conference and presenting on Universal Design for Learning.

Technology used:





Personal and Interpersonal Skills Competencies:

Build positive relationships with team members, clients, and other stakeholders

Recognize and accommodate individual and cultural differences.

Technology and Media Competencies:

Use technology correctly for professional communication purposes.

Communications Competencies:

Deliver effective and engaging presentations.

Apply effective questioning and facilitation techniques.

Practice active listening.

Competency Connections:

The CRT project was both personally rewarding and provided value to the organization. It led to a positive new relationship with collaborators. I am working with these collaborators and others on a new session and on writing and guest-editing a series of articles on Equity-Minded Teaching for the Theatre Design and Technology Journal. The work and the process of the work involves active listening and cultural learning. I loved how I infused technology into this project to provide engaging visuals and multimedia, even in a live presentation.

Audience: Theatre faculty in higher education

Courses: Theories of Learning and Cognition, Computer Courseware Development

Instructional Problem: Aspects of Equity Minded Teaching are not widely known or practiced in theatre higher education.

Intervention: I developed short videos and an infographic as part of class assignments to briefly explain Culturally Responsive Teaching and one strategy derived from the principles of Universal Design for Learning.

The longer video at the top is the conference presentation slideshow from a panel presentation. I developed the presentation with my two co-presenters. Dr. Walsh was not able to join us live, so he captured videos of his elements of the presentation. I added animations to his videos and created the rest of the multimedia presentation (except for 2 of the images). One of the videos is an excerpt from the UDL video because the strategy serves both theories.

Though we presented live, I developed the slide deck with video and animation to illustrate concepts, add humor, and capture attention. The video sections helped us manage time because their timeline was fixed. The response that we received was extremely positive and I am working with the organization to build on this work.


Approaches to Theatre Design Instructional Module


Supporting Backyard Birds of North Carolina