Program of Study

Florida State University, Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies

Master of Science degree

Instructional Design and Technology Certificate

Required Courses:

EDP 5216 Theories of Learning and Cognition in Instruction (Fall 2022), Dr. Kerry Burner

EME 5601 Introduction to Instructional Systems (Fall 2022), Dr. Diana Brandon

EME 5602 Technology and Design (Summer 2023), Dr. Allan Jeong

EME 5603 Introduction to Systematic Instructional Design (Spring 2023), Dr. Diana Brandon

EME 5608 Trends and Issues in Instructional Design (Spring 2024), Dr. Kerry Burner

EDF 5442 Inquiry and Measurement for Practitioners (Summer 2023), Dr. Allan Jeong

EDF 5942 Field Laboratory Internship (Summer 2024), Supervised by Dr. Kerry Burner

EDF 8966 Portfolio (Summer 2024), Supervised by Dr. Kerry Burner

Elective Courses:

EME 5457 Introduction to Distance Learning (Fall 2023), Dr. Allan Jeong

EME 5614 Design of Learning Games (Summer 2024), Dr. Kerry Burner

EME 6403 Designing for Online Collaborative Learning (Spring 2024), Dr. Allan Jeong

EME 6415 Development of Computer Courseware (Spring 2023), Dr. Allan Jeong

EME 6631 Managing Instructional Development (with permission, Fall 2023), Dr. Diana Paquette

  • a yellow light bulb on a blue background