Week 9: Flowchart Development

This week, I finished the flowchart, working from the gameplay script.

In class this week, we examined aspects of the user interface. I became interested in the recommended balance. User interface needs to strike a balance between simple and complex. One on end the game might not have enough challenge or control to keep some players interested. On the other end, it may frustrate players with overwhelming complexity. This reminds me of the chart examining the flow phenomenon and how it skates between boredom and frustration depending on the level of challenge as the player progresses. A related aspect is the balance between innovative and familiar UI. Again, there is a sweet spot for challenge and attention that lies between boredom and frustration. Fullerton also noted that the UI should be integrated in the game world as a metaphor for aspects of the narrative. I love this view of the way that the player interacts as an exciting opportunity to provide meaning about the game. I get turned off when elements of games or puzzles with games are disconnected from the gameworld or narrative. It’s like a jukebox musical where the lyrics of the songs don’t directly connect to the story that they were woven into fully formed.

a flowchart of the gameplay

Week 10: Assessment


Week 8: Game Script